Henry and Maria Anttila - Immigration

Discussions about genealogy. Questions, searches, interesting links etc.
Viestit: 2
Liittynyt: 06.10.2019 21:07

Henry and Maria Anttila - Immigration

Viesti Kirjoittaja Lynette » 09.10.2019 17:59

My great-grandparents Henry and Maria Anttila immigrated to Duluth, Minnesota in 1880 or 1881. Henry Anttila was born September 12, 1851 in Alajärvi and Maria Karvala was born in Lappajärvi on August 21, 1859. They were married on April 18, 1880. I have tried to find information on their immigration but have been unsuccessful. I can’t find them on any ship manifests, etc. Any kind of information of their lives in Finland would also be appreciated.
Thank you,
Lynette Case

Viestit: 2448
Liittynyt: 03.11.2006 01:04
Paikkakunta: Vantaa

Re: Henry and Maria Anttila - Immigration

Viesti Kirjoittaja JaskaS » 09.10.2019 20:18

According to Lappajärvi communion book 1878-1887
https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/ ... 7&pnum=570 (for SSHY/FFHA members only)
they moved to Minnesota on 5 September 1881.
No children listed before departure.

:) Jaska

Viestit: 2
Liittynyt: 06.10.2019 21:07

Re: Henry and Maria Anttila - Immigration

Viesti Kirjoittaja Lynette » 09.10.2019 20:32

Thank you!
I am unable to open the link as it states I do not have access. Could you please send me the full link?
Thank you,

Viestit: 2448
Liittynyt: 03.11.2006 01:04
Paikkakunta: Vantaa

Re: Henry and Maria Anttila - Immigration

Viesti Kirjoittaja JaskaS » 09.10.2019 21:54

Lynette, that link needs password that only members can have.
Please read private message (yksityisviesti).

:) Jaska

Viestit: 69
Liittynyt: 15.05.2020 18:08

Re: Henry and Maria Anttila - Immigration

Viesti Kirjoittaja Lynette1 » 08.04.2023 18:28

I am researching my Finnish heritage and am trying to figure out what some of the symbols on a household examination page mean and can’t find the answer anywhere.
The Anttila family - Page 107 1843-1849 of the Alajärvi Parish - what do the symbols “F”, “t” and the pitchfork mean to the left of the family members’ names? Also, why did the acreage of the family farm change from 11/64 to 11/128? And lastly, in Erik’s death record, it says he received 4 bell rings. What does this signify?
I would greatly appreciate any information.
Thank you,

Viestit: 428
Liittynyt: 21.08.2021 12:44

Re: Henry and Maria Anttila - Immigration

Viesti Kirjoittaja u18188 » 10.04.2023 11:56

First the page you are referring to:
SSHY Alajärvi RK 1843-1849, p. 107;
https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/ ... 8&pnum=112 .
Digihakemisto Alajärvi RK 1843-1849, p. 107;
https://astia.narc.fi/uusiastia/viewer/ ... 1271281434 .

The symbol "F" probably means, that the person has moved/been transferred to another page. (Check page or indicated village and farm in this communion book and then check the same village and farm in the next communion book.)
The symbol "t", I gather you mean the cross followed by a date? That is to mark the death of the person.
The pitchfork is just a symbol to mark that two persons are connected, for example a husband and the wife at a line further down on the page. (The symbol "a)" is used in the same way to connect two persons on the same page.)

About the acreage changing from 11/64 to 11/128, I have no definit explanation. Half of the property is shifted to the farm on the next page 108, which consequently changed from 11/64 to 33/128. Through purchase or inheritance is yet to be researched.

In Erik's death record "begrofs med 4 ringningar" means that his family payed extra, a remuneration, to honour him with the churchbells tolling at his funeral.

Birgit S.

Viestit: 410
Liittynyt: 31.01.2013 08:56

Re: Henry and Maria Anttila - Immigration

Viesti Kirjoittaja Kimpula » 10.04.2023 22:11

Lynette1 kirjoitti:
08.04.2023 18:28
Also, why did the acreage of the family farm change from 11/64 to 11/128?
That's not an acreage but a mantal.

https://tieteentermipankki.fi/wiki/Oike ... :manttaali

In English

https://web.archive.org/web/20120307182 ... aq028e.htm

You can not convert mantals to square meters, or hectares etc.

Viestit: 69
Liittynyt: 15.05.2020 18:08

Re: Henry and Maria Anttila - Immigration

Viesti Kirjoittaja Lynette1 » 11.04.2023 04:25

Thank you so much for the information.
I am trying to decipher the Communion books and could not find the answer to these question anywhere.
Thank you,

Vastaa Viestiin